Node.Js CRUD Operations with MySQL

Posted at: March 19, 2019 4:37 PM

How to insert, update and delete in the Node.js

In this lesson we will learn, CRUD operations insert, update and delete with mysql in Node.js. Create hbs (handlebars) form to insert and update data into mysql database using Node.js.

You can see my previous lesson Node.js Database Connection and Select Query for database connection and fetch records.

Create Record

Edit routes/products.js file for CRUD operations.

Create get request method for showing product form.

Create post request method for insert record in database.

Create view file views/createform.hbs

Update Record

Create get request method with fetching single record for showing edit form with filled data.

Create a post request method for update record in database.

Create view file views/editform.hbs

Delete Record

Create get request method for delete the record.

Complete code of routes/products.js

Complete code of views/products.hbs

Add a button Create Product on the file views/products.hbs. And also create edit and delete button to the each record.


In this lesson we have learned CRUD operations insert, update and delete in the Node.js with MySQL.

This lesson also available on YouTube
CRUD Insert Update Delete

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