Solved: Magento 2.3 CSS and JS not Loading - Magento 2 Installation

Posted at: May 29, 2020 7:40 PM

Solving the issue of Internal Server Error occurs during installation of Magento 2.3.5 and another issue CSS and JS doesn't load after installation. And also solved the issue, stuck with Magento 2 installation.

Solving Internal Server Error

Open a file .htaccess in Magento root folder and find Options +FollowSymLinks and only comment this line and add this Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch.

Options FollowSymLinks not allowed in CentOS for security issue.


Magento 2 CSS and JS not loading

Open a file pub/.htaccess in pub folder and find Options +FollowSymLinks and only comment this line and add this Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch.


Stuck in Magento 2 Installation

If you stuck with Magento 2 installation, then you can edit file php.ini like as below.

And also increase Apache TimeOut by adding TimeOut 300 in file /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf

After Magento 2 installation run these commands

If command php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy not executing then execute forcibly by adding -f

If still not executing then increase memory limit by adding -dmemory_limit=2G during command execution. 2G means 2GB you can set 3G, 4G etc. for 3GB, 4GB

I hope to solve this issue.

magento 2 css and js not loading 500 Internal Server Error magento 2 admin css and js not loading magento 2.3 css and js not loading magento 2 css and js not loading after installation magento 2 css and js not loading in frontend magento installation stuck at 59 magento installation stuck at 66

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